B-wind! @ O Espaço do Tempo v1.0
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in B-wind Exhibitions Interactive installations PhD research RTiVISS System architecture 14 years, 6 months ago
This is the first major release of the RTiVISS experience B-wind!, just in time for the AZ Labs exhibition @ O Espaço do Tempo. It reflects the work done over the two residency periods, and adaptations to fit available resources and space during the installation setup.
V1.0 includes multiple projection screens, inviting visitors to flow across the installation space. It uses available wired local network to cut back streaming video latency and an updated fan control code to use an Arduino-based DMX controller for the array of fans. We also set up a camera to capture the installation space and broadcast it live online for project documentation and remote maintenance.
Since the exhibition space is part of a convent surrounded by trees inside the walls of a castle, we managed to set up the remote location part of the installation just outside the exhibition space. This allowed us to optimize resource use — wired ethernet, power cables and DMX control equipment — and to make sure that sensitive equipment, like the IP camera, was kept inside the exhibition space at all times.
Having the two spaces so close together had an interesting effect. The fans rotating outside aroused curiosity that brought people to experience the interactive installation, and the experience of controlling a space so close by inspired people to go outside and see the trees and the fans working.
Now the exhibition is over but B-wind! development doesn't stop here, we still have a loads of information to process (ouch!).
The whole development experience was very intense and we certainly learned a lot from it. We also got some very good information from the feedback of installation users, and from the video recordings of their interactions.
We're already hard at work, improving the project for future presentations » Stay tuned for the upcoming B-wind 2.0!
Entrepreneurs interviews
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in Digital Media Entrepreneurship Networking PhD research 14 years, 7 months ago
I participated in an entrepreneurship workshop, and one of the assignments was to ask some open questions to entrepreneurs. I thought this could be an interesting opportunity for a skype video talk to get to know more about these entrepreneurs and the great projects they are involved in, so then I spread the word at the workshop presentation and also online.
I had a very nice input from all of them, and then I edited the recorded video of the interviews in a non-linear application to integrate all the contributions. Here is the link to the non-linear video of the interviews I edited using Korsakow
It is now available from my website main page directly at the at the "Interviews Entrepreneurs" text box link »
Watch it several times and explore it the way you want to, you will get a different experience everytime – anyway, I recommend you to click on the lower right button for the full screen mode. The interviewed entrepreneurs are Juliana Rotich, John Brennan, Pedro Ângelo and Teddy Ruge. *Thank you so much to you all*
Entrepreneurship outcomes and presentation at Reitoria UL
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in Entrepreneurship Networking PhD research RTiVISS 14 years, 7 months ago
Os documentos apresentados como trabalhos do curso estão online acessíveis através da minha página principal:http://www.monicamendes.info
I. "UL Empreender Course" e "PSP" remetem para o mapa conceptual geral, que por sua vez tem também os links para a apresentação e as entrevistas. Pode ser acedido directamente através dehttp://www.monicamendes.info/entrepreneurship
II. "Interviews Entrepreneurs"
III. "PSP" com a apresentação/slideshow, acessível atraves dos links no título em cima e ao centro no mapa conceptual do cursohttp://www.monicamendes.info/entrepreneurship e directamente emhttp://www.monicamendes.info/entrepreneurship/Entrepreneur_MonicaM_present.pdf
B-wind! exhibition live online
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in AZ residency B-wind Interactive installations PhD research Presentations 14 years, 7 months ago
selected videos at O Templo da Saudação, Montemor-o-Novo
B-wind! opening » AZ labs @ O Espaço do Tempo
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in AZ residency Interactive installations PhD research RTiVISS 14 years, 7 months ago
AZ Labs @ O Espaço do Tempo
Exhibition website »
AZ residency @ O Espaço do Tempo
Interactive installation
Premiere at the AZ residency's result showcase and exhibition during the month of July 2010 at O Espaço do Tempo.
Concept and Coordination
Mónica Mendes
Team work with
Pedro Ângelo (programming)
Maurício Martins (electronics)
Ricardo Webbens (sound)
Sérgio Ferreira (live broadcasting)
Tiago Serra
Members of the three Audiência Zero creative labs: LCD, altLab,
and xDA
Technical Assistant
@ O Espaço do Tempo
António Costa
Exhibition Guide
@ O Espaço do Tempo
Francisco Gomes
PhD supervisors
Professor Nuno Correia
Professor Sílvia Chicó
In the scope of
Digital Media PhD
AZ labs artistic residency
B-wind project blog posts