Viewing posts for the category Austin
ISDT 2 Digital Transformation
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in Austin ISDT PhD research Porto 13 years, 7 months ago
Almost one week has passed since the start of the Gary Chapman International School of Digital Transformation [ISDT]. It is the 2nd time I am attending, and by now I am getting that feeling again that on the one side it has passed in a glimpse, and still it has been so intense as a full month of clues to explore further.
One of the ISDT extra activities was my proposal to go again this year to the traditional Tuesdays hackerspaces meeting. We were very well received by the AZ labs members who gave us a comprehensive tour to their new LCD installations. Here is their report on the visit »
And here are the references I mentioned at the time:
In what relates to the words "hacking" and its purported relationship with criminal activity, the term has had "an unfortunate history", as stated by Bruce Sterling in his book "The Hacker Crackdown" who points to the original sense.
A propos, here is the MCD (Musiques & Cultures Digitales) publication on the European medialabs, where we wrote the section about the AZ labs hackerspaces network.
As we wrap up, I am willing to share my subjective perspective with some visual notes that will then become our memories – and my mnemonics, too. Take a look at the flickr set and leave your comments, local info, or whatever you where thinking of by then or now »
Voting for RTiVISS at SXSW 2011: help make Big Brother Go Green
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in Austin PhD research RTiVISS SXSW 14 years, 6 months ago
Remember when I've posted about my South by Southwest participation in March? For the next SXSW, me and Nuno Correia are now proposing a panel related to the ongoing research. Since voting from the public accounts for about 30% of the decision-making process for SXSW panel programming, I suggest you take a look at our proposal Big Brother Goes Green: Surveillance for Sustainable Forests »
Voting runs through August 27 and the process is simple, requiring that you register first and then return to the page to vote!
... or, starting at SXSW Panel Picker, link "Explore the Interactive Proposals'" and search the panels under the "Green / Sustainability" category, selecting "Big Brother Goes Green: Surveillance for Sustainable Forests" where you can vote and, eventually, leave your comments:)
Also, take a look at the other three CoLab participants from Portugal that submitted proposals to South By Southwest Interactive 2011 – and vote for us ;)))
Sharing the experience
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in Austin PhD research UT-Austin Portugal Program 14 years, 10 months ago
Austin, UT and SXSW flyers, maps, magazines gadgets & music CDs samples – I'll be glad to share it all with you – live at the Media Ground!
Marta's book request is now delivered, just in case you want to borrow from her The Digital and the Children, by the UT professor Craig Watkins, who also did a presentation and book signing at SXSW. His successful book sold out during the SXSW Interactive week!
And… I can't wait to start to fill out the walls, so watch out for future posts, I'll be uploading some photos and videos ;)
Austin-Houston in 3h+
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in Austin 14 years, 11 months ago
= Austin-Houston flight shuttle
"I was flying back from Austin and the plane broke twice" – this was the true sentence out of three when we were playing a 1 truth/2 lies game after our cancelled flight. Waiting in the airport for 7-8 hours in the perspective of 2 days waiting in Austin, the solution became evident with the almost 4 hour drive in a 10 passengers shuttle bus to Houston, followed by a 6 am flight to Newark…
I was really prejudiced for such waste of time and missed appointments, but the unexpected contretemps became surprisingly fun by the end, as it turned out to be a lesson on optimism and Values to all of us. Thanks for the tolerance tip and contagious laughs, and for all the witty humor and complicity, shuttle fellows ;] Wish you all all the best!!!
{:video soon;}
Let's keep Austin wired
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in Austin Networking SXSW 14 years, 11 months ago
Couldn't leave the Austin subject for now without a farewell note to remark that it was a very rewarding experience, intense, AND so intensive! Time was the only scarce resource, indeed.
So beware if you consider visiting or spending a full semester in Austin, there'll always be weird things to experiment, an authentic excess if you catch up with SXSW, too ;]
Meanwhile, count me in on keeping the connection!