Posted by: Mónica Mendes 13 years, 11 months ago


Remember when I've posted about my South by Southwest participation in March? For the next SXSW, me and Nuno Correia are now proposing a panel related to the ongoing research. Since voting from the public accounts for about 30% of the decision-making process for SXSW panel programming, I suggest you take a look at our proposal Big Brother Goes Green: Surveillance for Sustainable Forests »

Voting runs through August 27 and the process is simple, requiring that you register first and then return to the page to vote!
... or, starting at SXSW Panel Picker, link "Explore the Interactive Proposals'" and search the panels under the "Green / Sustainability" category, selecting "Big Brother Goes Green: Surveillance for Sustainable Forests" where you can vote and, eventually, leave your comments:)

Also, take a look at the other three CoLab participants from Portugal that submitted proposals to South By Southwest Interactive 2011 – and vote for us ;)))

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"Big Brother Goes Green: Surveillance for Sustaina 13 years, 7 months ago

[...] this special request (some months ago…) to vote for my proposal? Yay, the panel that me and Nuno Correia proposed *with Prentiss‘ megaExpert review [...]

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"Big Brother Goes Green: Surveillance for Sustaina 13 years, 7 months ago

[...] this special request (some months ago…) to vote for my proposal? Yay, the panel that me and Nuno Correia proposed *with Prentiss‘ megaExpert review [...]

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"Big Brother Goes Green: Surveillance for Sustaina 13 years, 7 months ago

[...] this special request (some months ago…) to vote for my proposal? Yay, the panel that me and Nuno Correia proposed *with Prentiss‘ megaExpert review [...]

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"Big Brother Goes Green: Surveillance for Sustaina 13 years, 7 months ago

[...] this special request (some months ago…) to vote for my proposal? Yay, the panel that me and Nuno Correia proposed *with Prentiss‘ megaExpert review [...]

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