Viewing posts for the category Environmental arts
ARTiVIS Artist in Residency with SINAIS project at MITI/UMA
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in ARTiVIS Environmental arts Implementation Interactive installations Play with Fire Residency SINAIS 13 years, 1 month ago
The ARTiVIS project is participating in an Artist in Residency program at the University of Madeira in close collaboration with the SINAIS eco feedback project team.
We will share ongoing developments in our research work that could be of interest to the SINAIS project, namely the design of a networked open hardware forest surveillance kit, and Play With Fire, a public interactive installation that engages participants with live video of forests and generative real-time graphics overlays.
The proposed goals of this Artist in Residency program are:
- Scout Laurissilva sites, and test the potential for setting up an ARTiVIS surveillance kit on site for storing data and providing a live feed of the landscape to be used in further developments.
- Bridge Play with Fire with SINAIS by setting up a version of the installation at a public venue in Madeira . This setup would allow us to design and carry out user experience evaluation with the support of the SINAIS team
- Collaborate with the SINAIS team in order to share insights and data from our work and receive valuable feedback from them. This would lead to brainstorming the concept and design of a public installation for SINAIS eco feedback.
- Generate publications, submissions for art venues and disseminations of results. We propose that these tasks be completed over a period of six months comprising two residency periods at Madeira and a research and development period in the mainland.
Here is the video that documents part 1 of the Artist in Residency program »
[vimeo w=524&h=295]
The first residency period occurred in the week from 23 to 29 of January and involved:
- Contacting local Laurissilva forest spots, scouting places to install test equipment.
- Setting up a version of the Play With Fire installation for testing at the Tecnopolo.
- Meeting with SINAIS group to present ARTiVIS and Play With Fire.
- Evaluating the installation design in collaboration with HCI experts from SINAIS.
- Brainstorming with the SINAIS team about their eco-feedback public installation.
- Working on location testing the Laurissilva forest setup and Play With Fire installation, preparing for the upcoming exhibition at Pavilhão do Conhecimento.
- Documenting and planning development objectives for the July residency period.
We had a great time in Madeira with the SINAIS team and we are already working on improving Play With Fire and testing the components for the DIY forest surveillance kit for the second residency period around July.
Meanwhile, here are some photos and the link for the residency full flickr set »
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in Activism ARTiVIS Environmental arts Real-time video 13 years, 4 months ago
The acronym for this exploratory project and research agenda is ARTiVIS, which stands for Arts, Real-Time Video and Interactivity for Sustainability and connects with the symbolic meaning association of Art and Activism.
Why are publications prior to the 2011 Fall season spelling RTiVISS in the place of the actual ARTiVIS? The project initially started as ARTiVISS, then simplified as RTiVISS – to be read with an english accent. By interviewing the Portuguese population and making them participate in the installations (Hug@ree Summer) we realized the need of a clearer and broader communication, readable by people of every language. By then, people either did not spell it as it was meant, and did not connect the RTiVISS acronym with art or activism. As the research becomes more focused on the use of real-time video for artistic explorations and interactions with the local population, we recognize the relevance to make the name understandable and memorable to all cultures. ARTiVIS is the actual proposal that keeps the essence of art and real time-video for sustainability, and brings more evidence on the connection of arts with an activist approach.
Project website »
Hug@ree at 10/10/10 Global work party | Call for participation
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in Activism Climate change Environmental arts Forests protection Hug@ree PhD research Sustainability 14 years, 5 months ago
Participate today » 10/10/10 Global work party » hug a real tree and send the video/photo to Hug@ree »
Simply hug a real tree anywhere in the world, and then send the 5 to 10 seconds video or a photo to !
This action on 10/10/10 will trigger your registration in the Real-Time Interactive Video Systems for Sustainability virtual world and screen you at the interactive installation we will be exhibiting at Popup Lisbon. Hug@ree will be symbolizing the complicity between urban beings and the forest to express cities’ new values regarding sustainability.
RTiVISS paper awarded at Artech
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in B-wind Digital Media Environmental arts Interactive installations PhD research RTiVISS 14 years, 10 months ago
Best Portuguese paper at the 5th International Conference on Digital Arts Artech 2010 "Envisioning Digital Spaces" – yay RTiVISS :)))
Full paper here »
B-wind kick-off @ AZ residency
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in altLab AZ residency B-wind Environmental arts Interactive installations PhD research 15 years ago
Developing team work on first B-wind prototypes with Maurício, and all labs residents :) Catarina's fan with a motor and MakerBot 3D printed parts is already a reference for the prototype wind – we're looking forward to print it asap!
The residence has been an awsome experience from the start – congrats and thanks for this initiative, Guilherme :)))