Viewing posts by Mónica Mendes

2010 in review

The stats helper monkeys at mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here's a high level summary of its overall blog health:

Healthy blog!

The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads This blog is doing awesome!.

Crunchy numbers

Featured image

A helper monkey made this abstract painting, inspired by your stats.

A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers. This blog was viewed about 2,400 times in 2010. That's about 6 full 747s.


In 2010, there were 67 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 73 posts. There were 59 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 6mb. That's about 1 pictures per week.

The busiest day of the year was October 5th with 80 views. The most popular post that day was Abraçaum@rvore » Sprint AZ: 1 finalFeliz em 2 videos e 3'-.

Where did they come from?

The top referring sites in 2010 were,,,, and

Some visitors came searching, mostly for monica mendes, photos macal do chao portugal, bert herigstad, maçal do chão, and rtiviss.

Attractions in 2010

These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.

Abraçaum@rvore » Sprint AZ: 1 finalFeliz em 2 videos e 3'- September 2010

"Viral" refs meeting Nancy Schiesari @SXSW March 2010

RTiVISS [Real-time Video Interactive Systems for Sustainability] October 2009

"Diasporadic" encounters March 2010
1 comment

ABOUT September 2009


2010 year review for this blog

The stats helper monkeys at mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here's a high level summary of its overall blog health:

Healthy blog!

The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads This blog is doing awesome!.

Crunchy numbers

Featured image

A helper monkey made this abstract painting, inspired by your stats.

A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers. This blog was viewed about 2,400 times in 2010. That's about 6 full 747s.

In 2010, there were 67 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 73 posts. There were 59 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 6mb. That's about 1 pictures per week.

The busiest day of the year was October 5th with 80 views. The most popular post that day was Abraçaum@rvore » Sprint AZ: 1 finalFeliz em 2 videos e 3'-.

Where did they come from?

The top referring sites in 2010 were,,,, and

Some visitors came searching, mostly for monica mendes, photos macal do chao portugal, bert herigstad, maçal do chão, and rtiviss.

Attractions in 2010

These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.

Abraçaum@rvore » Sprint AZ: 1 finalFeliz em 2 videos e 3'- September 2010

"Viral" refs meeting Nancy Schiesari @SXSW March 2010

RTiVISS [Real-time Video Interactive Systems for Sustainability] October 2009

"Diasporadic" encounters March 2010
1 comment

ABOUT September 2009


"Big Brother Goes Green: Surveillance for Sustainable Forests" accepted for SXSW

Remember this special request (some months ago...) to vote for my proposal? Yay, the panel that me and Nuno Correia proposed *with Prentiss' expert review collaboration* has been accepted to be part of the 2011 SXSW Interactive Festival in March in Austin!

Thank you so much to all that voted and commented on our proposal at the SXSW panelPicker » Here's the list of confirmed sessions for the 2011 SXSW Interactive Festival with the accepted PanelPicker Proposals titles »

AZ Labs are also spreading the word, and Filipe Cruz posted on this and other labs members good news... unmissable! ;) »


Sessão de testes Hug@ree » Pop Up até dia 11


Aqui estão as capturas de ecrã feitas ao longo da sessão do dia 1 de Dezembro (1 screenshot por minuto) » timelapse no vimeo
Quanto aos registos fotográficos, coloquei online um conjunto de fotos que resume visualmente a instalação e as actividades nesse dia » Hug@ree_PopUp tests no flickr

Dêem uma vista de olhos nos diversos registos e, se quiserem, deixem os vossos comentários :)

{([Um grande abraço Hug@ree* aos participantes na experiência e nos testes Hug@ree, que prestaram uma contribuição muito interessante e importante para investigação em curso)]}

A exposição mantém-se até dia 11 e durante estes próximos dois dias lá estarei também – Pop Up!


Abraçaum@rvore/Hug@ree » Pop Up no palácio de Santa Catarina | Testes e vídeos 1 de Dezembro

[NOTE: this post is intentionally in Portuguese because the exhibition is in Lisbon, and the followers able to be there speak Portuguese. For the automatic translation – with all the virtues & limitations we know – click here and have some extra fun ;)]

Já alguma vez...? E que tal experimentar abraçar uma árvore na instalação interactiva Hug@ree?

Aqui fica o convite para visitarem a exposição e participarem nos testes e nos vídeos neste feriado 1 de Dezembro: simplesmente Pop Up no palácio de Santa Catarina onde vamos estar em animada sessão Abraçaum@rvore / Hug@ree* » a entrada é livre e lá vos esperamos entre as 15 e as 20h!

*Hug@ree é uma instalação interactiva de cumplicidade entre os seres urbanos e a floresta. Os participantes abraçam uma árvore real, accionando o seu registo no mundo virtual para posterior interacção.
Uma experiência RTiVISS por Mónica Mendes, Pedro Ângelo e Nuno Correia

APOIOS: AZ Labs, FBAUL, Media Ground, Subvertice

+ info »


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