Posted by: Mónica Mendes 14 years, 4 months ago


: the always surprising mouth opening desired effect with OpenFrameworks:

Zachary Lieberman and Todd Vanderlin were at SXSW to present the open source c++ library in a Design & Development panel: OpenFrameworks - A Powerful Creative Coding Library for Artists.
We could meet and talk about Porto's encounter during Olhares de Outono 2007 and Ars Electronica 2008, and about using OF for the RTiVISS real-time video to be processed in real-time with the ofxVideoStream addon that Pedro Ângelo is now working on. Zach is reminded of Pedro, especially for his active participation in the forum and contribution to the wiki, and is also looking forward to get to know about the addon developments.

To my PhD colleagues, I recommend a good look at this diagram, for it will be very useful as we get to this subject on Media Lab classes soon:

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"Diasporadic" encounters « RTiVISS research 14 years, 1 month ago

[...] Media, Networking, SXSW and tagged: Austin prospective visit, Networking, RTiVISS Not only Zach was at SXSW after Ars Electronica, Teddy Ruge was also around, from Dallas. What a nice coincidence, an [...]

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"Diasporadic" encounters « RTiVISS research 14 years, 1 month ago

[...] Media, Networking, SXSW and tagged: Austin prospective visit, Networking, RTiVISS Not only Zach was at SXSW after Ars Electronica, Teddy Ruge was also around, from Dallas. What a nice coincidence, an [...]

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"Diasporadic" encounters « RTiVISS research 14 years, 1 month ago

[...] Media, Networking, SXSW and tagged: Austin prospective visit, Networking, RTiVISS Not only Zach was at SXSW after Ars Electronica, Teddy Ruge was also around, from Dallas. What a nice coincidence, an [...]

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"Diasporadic" encounters « RTiVISS research 14 years, 1 month ago

[...] Media, Networking, SXSW and tagged: Austin prospective visit, Networking, RTiVISS Not only Zach was at SXSW after Ars Electronica, Teddy Ruge was also around, from Dallas. What a nice coincidence, an [...]

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