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ISDT 2 Digital Transformation
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in Austin ISDT PhD research Porto 13 years, 7 months ago
Almost one week has passed since the start of the Gary Chapman International School of Digital Transformation [ISDT]. It is the 2nd time I am attending, and by now I am getting that feeling again that on the one side it has passed in a glimpse, and still it has been so intense as a full month of clues to explore further.
One of the ISDT extra activities was my proposal to go again this year to the traditional Tuesdays hackerspaces meeting. We were very well received by the AZ labs members who gave us a comprehensive tour to their new LCD installations. Here is their report on the visit »
And here are the references I mentioned at the time:
In what relates to the words "hacking" and its purported relationship with criminal activity, the term has had "an unfortunate history", as stated by Bruce Sterling in his book "The Hacker Crackdown" who points to the original sense.
A propos, here is the MCD (Musiques & Cultures Digitales) publication on the European medialabs, where we wrote the section about the AZ labs hackerspaces network.
As we wrap up, I am willing to share my subjective perspective with some visual notes that will then become our memories – and my mnemonics, too. Take a look at the flickr set and leave your comments, local info, or whatever you where thinking of by then or now »