Viewing posts for the category Hug@ree
Hug@ree Summer at Maçal do Chão
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in ARTiVIS Hug@ree 13 years, 5 months ago
Hug@ree was presented at a rural environment in Maçal do Chão.
Hug@ree demo at ArtropoCode | Santiago de Compostela
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in ArtropoCode AZ labs Hug@ree PhD research 13 years, 7 months ago
Hug@ree was demonstrated during the ArtropoCode – "1º Encontro de tecedeiras de código livre" (1st meeting of libre weavers), a digital art and open source software event organized by AZ Labs friends from Galiza, Beca, Marta and Daniel from Baleiro, and coordinated with Audiencia Zero and Olholivre.
This mini-hackmeet took place in Santiago de Compostela, from July 15 to 17. It was a very intensive weekend dedicated to the possibilities of free tools for creative programming. It was very fun, too :)
The demo version of Hug@ree was improvised with fallen leaves and branches from the park of the University of Santiago de Compostela, where Baleiro is located. In the most playful part of the meeting, the different tools where used in installations, performances and DJ-VJ sessions. Here is Pedro Ângelo's report on the Artropocode meeting »
In the chillout extension, Hug@ree became an extra entertainment during the night, grabbing surprising screenshots with the VJ performance and the participants dancing scenario. Moreover, Marta's face paintings where "estupendas" and lasted for the whole night!
This is the link for the Flickr photos full set » and here is the Hug@ree demo timelapse:
[vimeo w=528&h=330]
This Hug@ree & VJ unintended jam triggered the idea of combining the RTiVISS experiences Hug@ree and Treeellucinations in the same setup – I can almost hear what my advisor would say about such Hug@reeellucinations idea at this time: "post-doc" (ie, concentrate, do not dawdle for now) – Got it ;) ?
Hug@ree at UCLA: Sci|Art NanoLab 2011
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in Art|Sci DMA Hug@ree PhD research RTiVISS UCLA 13 years, 8 months ago
All set for Hug@ree at the Court od Sciences at UCLA. Cant' wait to see the living foliage the UCLA stdents and visitors will create!
Hug@ree at TEI Art Exploration session!
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in Hug@ree RTiVISS TEI 14 years, 1 month ago
The big day is here, Hug@ree was showcased at TEI2011 but first we had to contend with something completely unexpected. The normally sunny weather in Madeira turned its back on us and treated us to some cold wind and rain. Not the the perfect conditions to get people to go outside and hug our tree :/
At the showcase room, the day started early and the room assigned to us at the exhibition space was quickly crowded with nice people setting up their very interesting projects. Hug@ree was in good company :) :) :) :) :)
First we went about calibrating our multitouch display for the exhibition. Our improvised DI setup worked but turned out to be kind of fiddly to set up and a bit unstable in the tracking. In the end it worked out OK for demoing the concept but needs some work to be of any future use.
At half past three, visitors started to arrive and we demoed the installation to them.
At a certain point we received the vist of a local film crew, that was very interested in hearing about our project. They filmed it from every angle and were even captured in our surveillance camera :)
We also received some illustrious visitors that were attending the conference, like UT Austin-Portugal Program's Professor Sharon Strover and MIT's Professor Hirosi Ishii:
The rain made it hard for people to go outside to hug our tree, so we had to go out and do it ourselves, plus a very few brave palm tree huggers, including the student volunteer Ricardo and the The Chameleon Girl herself :) :)
By the end of the showcase we didn't have as many hugs as we expected on our unique Madeira palm tree, but we got some very interesting surprises, like a lightning triggering the sensors and getting captured on video or the quaint lights that the hotel lit up by nightfall:
All in all it was a very rewarding experience. We met a lot of interesting people and got some really nice feedback. If you like, you can check the whole photo set of our adventures at TEI2011.
See you guys next year?
The Hug@ree Madness Session
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in Hug@ree RTiVISS TEI 14 years, 1 month ago
"Have you ever...?"
... no, had never made a 25'' presentation before ;) Got it, at TEI 2011 madness session – frantic!
So here's the presentation at TEI