Viewing posts for the category Digital Media
Kerbey Lane, for sure
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in Digital Media 14 years, 9 months ago
Karen was spoiling me again and took me to delicious lunch in a locals restaurant/café – that's it, Texas food has a spicy mexican accent ;)
Chris McDonnell's Portuguese spot
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in Austin Digital Media UT-Austin Portugal Program 14 years, 9 months ago
The UT Austin-Portugal staff meeting room and office – Karen ad Chris'. Is there any visual clue on the Portugal connection?
It was quite a long walk to get to the disperse paperwork offices with Chris' helpful guidance… only then I realized what he meant when he said that by guiding me he would also move and fit ;)
Final paperwork with Bert Herigstad
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in Austin Digital Media UT-Austin Portugal Program 14 years, 9 months ago
This is Bert Herigstad (I mean the first visual contact, considering my height ;))
Bert is the Administrative Associate/Office Manager who helps us with paperwork of all kinds, from student ID number, card, and wireless access, to insurance issues… we just have to listen very carefully and follow the rules; I had everything prepared in advance with Karen's precious help, there I confused some designations in the beginning, but everything was solved with a happy end :)
On the way to UTA
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in Austin Digital Media PhD research UT-Austin Portugal Program 14 years, 9 months ago
Here's some views along the walk from downtown Austin at 6th St to the CMA (Communicatiobs building) at the University of Texas (UT), 25th St.. It takes around 30 min. walking to get there, 10 min. by Bus with a $1 ticket or taxi for $8.
There's always an enchanting framework with trees :}, and the UT campus is huge! Take some time to explore the maps here.
This building is similar to the Washington DC, but in Texas, they say, everything is bigger – the Capitol is!
Right on the other side, you can find boots, saddles, and "The enchanted florist " (oops, you'd better wait for the RTiVISS Enchanted Forest ;)) ... and yep, these boots are used in daily life, you can find it in the photos >>
If you're considering comming to Autin from March on, don't forget to bring your running shorts and shoes or sandals to classes – you'll be most fashionable!
Scheduling with Karen Gustafson
Posted by: Mónica Mendes in Austin Digital Media PhD research UT-Austin Portugal Program 14 years, 9 months ago
Karen Gustafson has been quite busy with my visit doing all the UTA scheduling that Sharon Strover recommended: Luis Francisco-Revilla of the School of Information; Ben Bays, who teaches Visual Effects and Motion Graphics; Rosental Alves of the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas. But that's not all for now: the plans for this visit also include to meet with Karen Kocher and Nancy Schiesari, too!
She's been fantastic with the reservation at the Extended Stay America, a hotel that stands out for its downtown location, and even picked me at the airport and took me for dinner at the natural and organic food WholeFoods Market… yay Karen, what a reception :)