Posted by: Mónica Mendes 13 years, 3 months ago


The acronym for this exploratory project and research agenda is ARTiVIS, which stands for Arts, Real-Time Video and Interactivity for Sustainability and connects with the symbolic meaning association of Art and Activism.

Why are publications prior to the 2011 Fall season spelling RTiVISS in the place of the actual ARTiVIS? The project initially started as ARTiVISS, then simplified as RTiVISS – to be read with an english accent. By interviewing the Portuguese population and making them participate in the installations (Hug@ree Summer) we realized the need of a clearer and broader communication, readable by people of every language. By then, people either did not spell it as it was meant, and did not connect the RTiVISS acronym with art or activism. As the research becomes more focused on the use of real-time video for artistic explorations and interactions with the local population, we recognize the relevance to make the name understandable and memorable to all cultures. ARTiVIS is the actual proposal that keeps the essence of art and real time-video for sustainability, and brings more evidence on the connection of arts with an activist approach.

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