Posted by: Mónica Mendes 12 years, 8 months ago
The ARTiVIS experience Play With Fire was presented last Wednesday, June 13 at the 2012 Designing Interactive Systems conference (DIS2012) demo session that took place at the beautiful Great North Museum:Hancock in Newcastle in the UK.
The Play with Fire team attending the conference (Mónica, Pedro and Valentina) met right after lunch to know the assigned place for the demo and start assembling everything. We started by scouting the museum surroundings to find a suitable forest to "burn" and a place to set up the IP camera. The DIS staff was very helpful in assisting with the installation setup and and about an hour before the demo session we tested everything and were ready to go.
Then came everyone else. As soon as the demo session started our IP camera stopped responding and we couldn't demo the interactive part of the installation. So we showed our demo video and the dynamic web collage of forest fire news that contextualizes the interactive experience.
Everyone that came by our booth was very interested in the installation and we got some very good feedback from everyone *Thanks*
Near the end the network got a bit less crowded and we could stream the outside forest and burn it interactively. Although the ambient light made the kinect a bit glitchy, we could finally show a glimpse of the Play with Fire experience.
Many thanks to everyone that attended. We hope to see you all again soon :)
Here is the link to the DIS 2012 conference album and – with special thanks to my friend Mário António – the link to the local culture overview album. Enjoy!
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