Posted by: Mónica Mendes 11 years, 8 months ago


We were developing and presenting the ARTiVIS DiY Forest Surveillance Kit during Artropocode at the AZ Labs in the scope of Guimarães 2012.

Pedro Ângelo worked hard on the code and made managed to get full HD real-time video streaming form a webcam connected to the raspberry Pi. And we used a nice custom Rapsberry Pi case brought by Maurício with altLab's logo engraved on a transparent acrilic.

ARTiVIS Open Source Repositories at Gitorious »
ARTiVIS DiY kit Open Source repository section »

Artropocode lab work at CAAA

DSC06397_diyKit_andPC DSC06384_diyKit_altLab

Then we presented the DiY kit in the scope of the Artivis project in the Artropocode meeting presentations public event at lab. Laboratorio das Artes.

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And here is the full photo set »

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